Thursday, October 20, 2011


  • Mercury is the first planet in the solar system.
  • The distance from the Sun is 77.3 Million km.
  • Mass 33,022 x 10^23 kg.
  • Diameter is 4,880 km.
  • Rotation 59 days 
  • Revolution 88 days 
  • Mercury has no moons
  • Terrestrial
  • Planet Description
    • Mercury has no true atmosphere and it is the closest planet to the Sun ,also this planet is covered in craters, these are caused by the meteorites and asteroids that hit the planet.          
    •  If you were to stand on Mercury, the Sun would appear two and a half times bigger than what it looks like from Earth.                                                                               PLANET FACTS
      • Mercury was named after a Roman god.
      • Is the second smallest planet.
      • Mercury has the largest eccentricity, it has 0.206. 

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